A Better Climate For A Better Nigeria
Hack That Thing’s mission is to improve Nigeria’s climate by mitigating post-harvest food waste, curbing greenhouse gas emissions, and promoting resource efficiency for a sustainable future.
About The Problem
According to Punch Newspaper’s 2023 report, the Food and Agricultural Organization estimated that in Nigeria, 1.3 gigatons of edible food is wasted each year, and this releases 3.3 gigatons of C02, which worsens climate change affecting the livelihood of farmers, women, children, fishermen, and nomadic pastoralists. How can we leverage post-harvest food waste management to improve Nigeria’s climate change?
About Our Solution
We came up with Kndly, a community-based post-harvest food waste collection and recycling hub. With Kndly, households and businesses will be able to properly sort their food waste for proper disposal by utilizing image recognition and machine learning technologies. Also, Kndly, makes the waste collection process more efficient for collection companies through a waste disposal request marketplace. We then turn collected food waste to organic fertilizer through a process called composting.
E-lab Challenges
We had about 7 different challenges that was both fun and tasking.
Meet The Team
Discover the Minds Fueling Change at Hack That Thing. Our Team: Committed, Passionate, and Driving Transformative Solutions for a Sustainable Nigeria.